Compare Yuma with its neighbor Phoenix (3,872 sunlight hours a year) and Aswan, Egypt (3,863 hours a year)! According to the World Meteorological Society, Yuma receives more than 4,000 sunlight hours per year, the most of any city in the world.Why Should You Camp near Yuma this Winter? Snowbird Guide to BLM Camping near Yuma, Arizona.FREE BLM Camping near Yuma, AZ – Ogilby Rd, American Girl Mine Rd, Sidewinder Rd, and Pilot Knob LTVA.BLM Camping near Yuma, AZ – Imperial Dam LTVA and Senator Wash.FREE BLM Camping near Yuma, AZ – Mittry Lake, Kool Corner, Fortuna Pond.
Why Should You Camp near Yuma this Winter?.